Did you know that there are several places to go ice skating outdoors in the Rockford area? Ice skating outside allows you and your kids to enjoy the fresh air and burn off some energy after being cooped up indoors. We’ve put together a list of the outdoor ice rinks that you can visit in the Stateline to ice skate or play hockey.

For all locations, you skate at your own risk. Remember to dress warmly!

Here’s a list of the outdoor ice skating locations in the Stateline.

Eclipse Lagoon Rockford, IL RACVB
Image credit: RACVB

Eclipse Lagoon at Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens
1354 N. 2nd Street, Rockford, IL

When: 9 am – 10 pm daily

Cost: Free

Skate rental: Bring your own or rent skates for $5 per person inside the Nicholas Conservatory on these days and times:

  • Tuesday – Friday: 10 am – 4 pm (last rental at 3 pm)
  • Saturday and Sunday: 10 am -3 pm (last rental at 2 pm)

The Eclipse Lagoon is located in the beautiful Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens.

The lagoon is open for ice skating and ice hockey when the ice is 4-6 inches thick. Hockey can be played on the north end of the lagoon only. Goals are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Heated restrooms are available in the outdoor pavilion. There are lights on the lagoon so people can safely skate in the dark. The RPD staff uses a resurfacer to keep the ice smooth. Skaters are not allowed to carry children or babies while skating.

Rockford Park District staff checks the ice on a daily basis and posts whether the lagoon is open or closed. To find out, call 815-987-8858, check Nicholas Conservatory’s Facebook page, or check the Rainout Line on the RPD website.

Places to Ice Skate Outdoors in the Rockford Area
Image credit: Belvidere Park District

Riverside Ice Arena at Doty Park
365 W. Locust Street, Belvidere, IL

When: Monday – Thursday from 4 pm – 6 pm
Friday from 4 pm – 9 pm
Saturday and Sunday from 12 pm – 7 pm
Daily schedule may change. Check here before you go.

Cost: $5/adults (18 years old and up)
$3/children (4-17 years old)
Children three and under are FREE!
Skate rental $5 per person
Bobby Rental $3

The Riverside Ice Arena at Doty Park is an NHL regulation rink. There is also a warming house where skates can be rented and concessions can be purchased.

If you have a young skater in your family, you can rent Bobby the Seal to help them learn how to skate. This device allows kids to push it for balance or sit on it when they get tired. It costs $3 to rent Bobby with an ID.

To check if the rink is open, go to the Rainout Line on the BPD website.

Page Park Ice Skating Rink
614 Palmyra St., Dixon, IL

When: Saturday from 10 am – 3 pm*
Sunday from 12 pm – 4 pm*
Some weekday hours. Hours vary, please check their Facebook page before going.

Cost: Free

Skate rental: Skate rental is free, but donations are accepted.

Page Park in Dixon has set up an ice rink that is free to skate on. You can bring your own skates or rent them during specific hours. There is a warming shed available. Check their Facebook page for this week’s hours and rental hours.

Village Green Park Ice Skating Rink
115 E. Chapel St., Rockton, IL

When: Daily during daylight hours

Cost: Free

Skate rental: No skate rental is available

Village Green Park in Rockton has set up an ice rink that is free to skate on. You can bring your own skates to use. There are no outdoor lights so skating should only occur during daylight hours.

Ice Rinks That Have Not Released Information for This Year

The Rockton Ice Rink in Rockton, Illinois has not released information for their ice rink.

Do you plan on going ice skating outdoors this winter?

For More Winter Fun…

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