There are so many amazing kids and teens in the Stateline area! We are proud to feature kids doing unique, creative, and kind things in our community. We are featuring these amazing kids in our Spectacular Kids series! 

All kids have their parents’ permission to be featured on Stateline Kids. If you have a kid doing something amazing in the Stateline area, email us at

This Spectacular Kid is a talented writer who enjoys learning and writing about the history of names.

Naming your child can be one of the hardest decisions an expecting parent can make! There are so many things to consider when choosing a baby name. If you’re in need of some name inspiration, we have a great resource for you.

Delphina Moon’s Name Warehouse is a website started by a local 13-year-old named Emma.

Emma named her site Delphina Moon’s Name Warehouse because she loves the idea of names being rediscovered and reused after being in storage, like in a warehouse. She started her site in her free time during the stay at home order. On her site, she writes about the history and origin of names. 

Emma’s posts are detailed, thoughtful, and very well-written. She researches all of the names she writes about and includes interesting tidbits and facts about them. Here’s an excerpt from her blog about the vintage boys’ name, Ambrose.

What’s so good about Ambrose?

More than you’d think. For one, he’s very rare. Last appearing in the top 1000 in 1954 at #932, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever meet an Ambrose under the age of 60. If you’re looking for a moniker that will stand out from a crowd of Liams and Emmas, Ambrose is one to consider.

Another big plus of Ambrose is his vintage status. Vintage names are always in vogue, and Ambrose isn’t any different to Theodore or Juniper in terms of style. However, unlike those two names, Ambrose isn’t gaining in popularity fast enough to observe on the charts, which is great for those who love the quirky vintage style of Theodore and Juniper, but not so much the popularity that accompanies them.

Ambrose also appeals to more than one style of name. Vintage though he is, Ambrose also fits in with a select group of saint names in between popular Aidan and obscure Ignatius. If religious ties matter to your family, Ambrose certainly delivers. One of the four Latin fathers of the Christian church, also the patron saint of learning, bore this name, lending this moniker spiritual meaning as well.

Delphina Moon’s Name Warehouse

As you can see, Emma is a very talented writer!

Here are a few questions we asked Emma about names:

What do you love about names? 

Emma: I love how every name has its own backstory and its own associations. I also adore watching trends come and go and predicting new ones! 

What is your favorite girl’s name? 

Emma:  Ooh, that’s a tough one! Girls’ names are always more fun for me, but harder to choose from. At the moment, I’ve been loving Juno a lot, but ask me in a couple minutes, and I probably will change my mind. 

What is your favorite boy’s name? 

Emma:  It’s a toss up between August (Gus) and Theodore (Theo) on any given day. Today, I would have to give it to August. 

Which names do you see becoming more trendy and popular?

Emma:  I think that names that tie into the natural world (such as Violet, Olive, and Bear) will see a lot of use in the future for both genders. For the girls, I think the trend to watch is names with Hawaiian origin like Lorelei and Leilani, and for the boys, we might see more word names such as Ridge and Crew

What other things do you like to do when you aren’t writing about names? 

Emma: I do musical theater a couple times each year as well as writing projects outside of my blog. I also enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and pet hedgehog Daphne. 

Where is your favorite place in the Stateline area? 

Emma: Dairyhaus is amazing because their ice cream is phenomenal!

If you’d like Emma’s help finding the perfect name, fill out the form on her website. She hopes to help parents explore different names when they’re thinking about what to name their babies!

What are your favorite baby names?

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