Fenced in playground with multiple play structures and large blacktop area

Address: 808 Harlem Rd, Machesney Park, IL


Donald C. Parker Education Center is located in Machesney Park. The school has a large playground with multiple play structures, a swing set, seesaws, balancing beams, and many slides.

Best for ages: 2-10


  • Seven structures to play on for kids of all sizes from toddler to grade school age including one structure with a wheelchair accessible ramp
  • Three seesaws (4 seaters)
  • Two block climbing towers
  • Two music centers with chimes, bells, and drums
  • Infant maze
  • Tunnel slide
  • Two bouncing bridges
  • Trapeze monkey bar
  • Steering wheels
  • Two balance beams
  • Built-in games and table
  • Two periscopes
  • Climbing wall
  • Nine slides – one tall curved, two enclosed tube slides, two small toddler sized slide, and four double slides
  • Swing set with six normal swings and four special needs swings
  • Large grassy space
  • Garbage cans nearby
  • Blacktop area for riding bikes

Sun protection: Most of the playground is in full sun

Parking: Parking alongside school

Playground structure materials: Plastic and metal

Ground/surface materials: Wood chips

Fenced in? N

Slides? Y, nine slides

Swings? Y, six swings

Picnic tables, benches or other seating? Y, five picnic tables in sight of the playground

Walking path, sidewalk or bike path? Y, there’s a short sidewalk leading into the playground and a blacktop area in the fenced in playground

Stroller accessibility? Y

Bathrooms? N

Drinking fountain? N

Food and drink nearby? N

What makes it special or worth visiting?

Donald C. Parker Education Center has a gigantic playground with multiple play structures for kids of all ages. There is an accessible structure, many slides, seesaws, balance beams, and a huge swing set. There’s also a large blacktop area perfect for a bike riding. The entire playground is fenced in and set away from the street. Donald C. Parker Education Center’s playground can only be used after 5:00 pm, on weekends, and in the summer.

If you go, you may want to bring:

  • Sunscreen – Some parts of the play structure get direct sunlight
  • Bikes, scooters, and ride-ons – There’s a concrete area inside the fenced in playground
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